"अल्लाह आपको आपकी अपेक्षा से अधिक देगा "
"पक्का विश्वासी अल्लाह को अधिक प्रिय है"
"एक बार वक्फ़ हमेशा के लिये वक्फ़"
"जब आप कोई निर्णय ले लें, तो अल्लाह पर भरोसा रखें"

Manage Archives

क्र.सं. शीर्षक प्रकाशित तिथि Archive Date Type
81 Vacancy for the Post of Senior Associate (Project) 20/04/2018 01/06/2018 आजीविका
82 Tender Opening Notice (Technical) of Proposal for Outsourcing the work of GIS/GPS Survey of Waqf Properties & Updation for an Online Waqf Management System of India 12/03/2018 16/03/2018 निविदाओं
83 Clarification of Queries of the GIS/GPS Survey of Waqf Properties & Updation for an Online Waqf Management System of India. Pre-bid Meeting date:16th February 2018. 01/03/2018 12/03/2018 निविदाओं
84 Tender/Quotation for Providing the 10 MBPS Internet Leased Line Connectivity at CWC 02/02/2018 25/04/2018 निविदाओं
85 Last Date of Submission of Proposal for Outsourcing the work of GIS/GPS Survey of Waqf Properties & Updation for an Online Waqf Management System of India Has been Extended to 12th March,2018 till 03:00 PM 01/02/2018 13/03/2018 निविदाओं
86 Office Order for Quotations Bids Open at 11:30AM on 11-01-2018 09/01/2018 09/01/2018 निविदाओं
87 Tender Quotation Notice For Procurement and Installation of two Portacabins/Prefabricated Cabins 01/01/2018 16/01/2018 निविदाओं
88 Vacancy for the Post of Senior Associate,Data Entry Operator and Multi Tasking Staff 30/11/2017 28/02/2018 आजीविका
89 Printing of Annual Report of the Central Waqf Council for the year 2016-17 05/10/2017 01/12/2017 निविदाओं
90 Notice Inviting Tenders/Quotations for hiring services of Two Security Guards on 12 hours basis for seven days a week (Round the Clock) 19/05/2017 25/06/2017 निविदाओं
