"अल्लाह आपको आपकी अपेक्षा से अधिक देगा "
"पक्का विश्वासी अल्लाह को अधिक प्रिय है"
"एक बार वक्फ़ हमेशा के लिये वक्फ़"
"जब आप कोई निर्णय ले लें, तो अल्लाह पर भरोसा रखें"

Manage Archives

क्र.सं. शीर्षक प्रकाशित तिथि Archive Date Type
51 Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee on sexual harassment in the Central Waqf Council to redress complaints of sexual harassment of women at workplace 19/10/2020 31/12/2023 परिपत्र
52 Tender for Printing of Annual Report of the CWC for the year 2019-20 14/09/2020 26/09/2020 निविदाओं
53 O.M. of the government regarding allotment of cemetery 19/08/2020 31/12/2024 परिपत्र
54 Readvertisement for filling up the Post of Advisor/Consultant in the field of Legal Services 07/08/2020 14/08/2020 आजीविका
55 Advertisement for filling up the Post of Legal Support Officer 17/07/2020 28/07/2020 आजीविका
56 Advertisement for filling up the Post of Multi Tasking Staff(MTS) 17/07/2020 29/07/2020 आजीविका
57 Advertisement for filling up the Post of Advisor/Consultant in the field of Legal Services 17/07/2020 25/07/2020 आजीविका
58 Advertisement for filling up the Post of Legal Support Officer and Legal Assistant 24/06/2020 07/07/2020 आजीविका
59 Invitation of expression of interest (EOI) for purchase of residential accommodation for Central Waqf Council 11/06/2020 21/06/2020 निविदाओं
60 Advertisement for filling up the Post of Multi Tasking Staff(MTS) 18/05/2020 28/05/2020 आजीविका
