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"Once A Waqf Always A Waqf"
"Allah will give you more than you've expected"
"Stronger Believer Is More Beloved To Allah"
"When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah"

Progress of computerisation

On the recommendation of the Joint Parliamentary Commitee on Waqf, a Central Sector Scheme of "computerization of the Records of state/UT Waqf Boards" was launched by the Ministry of Minority Affairs ,Govt. of India on December 2009 i.e., during 11th Plan eriod.Under the scheme , the Ministry (MOMA) released funds to the state Waqf Boards for setting up the Central Computing Facility(CCF) to computerized the work of the scheme as per guidline framed by the Ministry . The scheme is continuing during the 12th Plan Period .The Ministry has  now involved the central Waqf council as a nodal agency to complete the remaining work of Phase -I by engaging an outsource agencey.The Ministry has released a total sum of Rs.8.80 crores to the council in three instalments.The Council has engaged the National Small Industries Ltd.Raipur Branch (A Govt. of India enterprise) to complete the remaining work.The progress reports are available on the WAMSI website.The work is in progress through NSIC  Ltd. in 18th State Waqf Board.